Man smiling on bench on campus

Admitted Students

Your Moment. Your Decision.

Congratulations on your acceptance to the nation’s first degree-granting Historically Black College and University! Each year a remarkable group of students enters Lincoln’s campus to join our diverse body of scholars on an intellectually stimulating and socially empowering journey. 你离成为这个改变人生的经历的一部分只有几步之遥.

What's Next?

The steps below are designed to ensure a smooth transition to Lincoln University and connect you to the resources you will need to start your academic career.

Frequently Asked Questions


After you have been admitted to Lincoln, you are eligible to submit the acceptance deposit. 你的录取通知书将包括你唯一的登录凭证 deposit payment portal. You should pay the deposit as soon as possible so you can submit your request for housing and continue the steps for enrollment.

Q: What is my student ID number?

您的学生证号码位于您的数字和/或邮寄录取通知书上. 在全球十大外围足球平台招生门户网站上查看你的录取通知书. 如果您无法定位,请与 Office of Admissions.


财政援助和财政清算是 NOT the same. If you are planning to use financial aid to help cover expenses, financial clearance happens AFTER 你的经济援助计划已经完成. This will include submitting all required paperwork; accepting or declining loans; completing entrance counseling; and signing the Master Promissory Notes.


是的,如果您需要设置付款计划,请访问 Nelnet. All students must have a zero ($0) balance on their student account in order to enroll for a current term.